Monday, February 1, 2010

The Slapping Rainbow Phenomenon

Ever heard of the Slapping Rainbow Phenomenon (S.R.P.)?
Probably not, I just made it up.

It's the strange way that the beautiful invades the darkness.

It has been a hard week. Just a heaviness is around me. It becomes hard to do things.
This blog is hard to write.

Last year, for several months that stupid Black Dog, Depression, thought it would snap and snarl at me.
I had been feeling better.

Now it feels like someone has set that dog free again.

Last year, I went to the doctor.

She asked me a few questions,
said i was 'exhibiting signs of depression'
and prescribed 'sleep, and chocolate'.

Yes I know all of you want her number. She was great.

The feelings seemed to get worse after that.
After I'd been to the doctor, I went wandering
out the back of Canowindra, in the deserted green paddocks.

It started lightly raining, and I started doing my whole, God I am so confused, bla bla. The stuff you blurt to God about when you know your completely alone.

And then I turned around, and nearly got slapped in the face with the gigantic rainbow that landed not far from where I stood.
It was amazing, and breath-taking. The whole thing was visible. It was glorious.
I just stood there and gaped.

Rainbows don't slap you everyday.

At the time, I knew why that rainbow was there - God telling me He loved me, and that He was in it with me.

'It' being life, and everything that comes up. Everything a human is supposed to do, and know, and be.
Every bewildering thing.

I was going to write about how terrible I was feeling.

But then, I looked out the window, and the sky was streaked with pink.

Yep, I like them slapping rainbows...

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